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If you want to speak to a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about EGRIFTA SV® and HIV-related excess visceral abdominal fat, use this tool to locate a specialist near you.*

* EGRIFTA SV® is not indicated for weight loss management. Its safety and impact on cardiovascular health have not been studied, and it’s not known whether taking EGRIFTA SV® helps improve compliance with antiretroviral medications.

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The Doctor Discussion Guide can help guide the conversation about excess visceral abdominal fat and EGRIFTA SV® with your healthcare provider.

Theratechnologies maintains a list of physicians who have the expertise to treat people with HIV/AIDS with excess visceral abdominal fat. This information will be updated regularly.

Physicians listed on this website are not affiliated with Theratechnologies and do not pay or get paid to be on this list or to be designated as experienced specialists in excess visceral abdominal fat.

The Specialist Locator is a directory of physicians who have notified Theratechnologies that:
(1) they are familiar with the symptoms and diagnosis of excess visceral abdominal fat AND
(2) they wish to be included in this directory.
Inclusion of a physician in the Specialist Locator does not constitute a referral, recommendation, endorsement, or verification of credentials, qualifications, or abilities of the physician listed. Conversely, the absence of a physician's name and information should not be construed as a negative comment from Theratechnologies about the physician's credentials, qualifications, or abilities.

This website does not collect, store or distribute any personally identifiable information and reports usage data via a third party only at the aggregate level in accordance with Theratechnologies' privacy policy.